Knowledge BaseTags
Purchase Orders

Weighted average cost (WAC) for inventory

  • Receiving Stock
  • Purchase Orders

The way changing unit costs are handled in SalesBinder is by doing a weighted average cost calculation in order to keep valuations accurate.

Customizing your documents

  • Invoices
  • Estimates
  • Purchase Orders
  • Sales Orders

SalesBinder currently allows you to customize your invoices and estimates in the following ways...

Creating purchase orders

  • Inventory
  • Purchase Orders
  • Restocking

Creating purchase orders in SalesBinder is a great way to replenish your stock levels and keep track of all your purchases.

Changing the auto-incrementing numbering sequences

  • Accounts
  • Invoices
  • Purchase Orders
  • Sales Orders
  • Estimates

Manage your numbering sequences for all different types of records and choose what the next auto-incrementing number will be.

Mass archiving your old documents

  • Invoices
  • Estimates
  • Purchase Orders
  • Archive

Your can mass archive your documents in SalesBinder very quickly and get that record space back to reuse for new records.

Exchanging your currency

  • Pricing
  • Sales
  • Invoices
  • Purchase Orders
  • Sales Orders
  • Estimates
  • Video Tutorials

SalesBinder supports over 170 different currencies which you can choose from whenever you need to use a different currency for a specific order.

Setting up custom fields for all types of data

  • Accounts
  • Custom Fields
  • Purchase Orders
  • Invoices
  • Sales Orders

Custom Fields are available for all types of data in SalesBinder. It empowers you to tailor your SalesBinder account to your specific needs by creating extra fields that capture the exact data you uniquely require.

Need more support?

If you don't find an answer in our Knowledge Base, feel free to contact us.

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