News & Updates

New Updates and Big Improvements

April 11, 2018

Over the past couple of months our team has been focused on making significant improvements to SalesBinder’s core functions and we’ve successfully released many behind the scenes updates with some great new features coming soon as well!

What’s New:

A Completely Re-written Order Processing Engine

We’re really excited to announce the successful release of our new order processing engine, which is the brains behind all data processing related to creating/editing/deleting invoices, estimates, and purchases orders. It’s also what processes inventory quantity changes based on inventory being sold or purchased. This new update has increased data intensive processing tasks by a whopping 30x, reducing some tasks that could have taken 60 seconds to complete, to now completing in under 2 seconds.

New DNS Provider With DDoS Protection

We’ve migrated our DNS services to a new provider that enables us to better react to any potential DDoS (distributed denial of Service) attacks. Although we have not experienced any direct attacks on our core services, we’re being proactive and are now better prepared to mitigate them if it’s ever required.

Smarter Internet Traffic Routing for Increased Page Loading Speed

Partnering with our new DNS provider has enabled us to take advantage of some new internet technologies for making your overall experience with SalesBinder faster and more reliable. We’ve implemented a new smart routing algorithm, called Argo, which uses real-time network intelligence to route traffic through the fastest network paths around the planet, while maintaining open, secure connections to eliminate latency imposed by connection setup. Enabling these smart routing and tiered caching services can help reduce internet latency on average by 35% and connection errors by 27%.

Order Data Validation Improvements and Intelligent Data Modeling

Our new order processing engine is designed to be slightly more strict on what you can save as well as what data you’re able to skip or ignore – with the goal of preventing ways to negatively affect your inventory accuracy.

For example, you’re no longer able to create a completely empty invoice without any information being stored along with it. We now validate your item variation data more thoroughly to ensure the integrity of your inventory data remains as accurate as possible. In certain situations the data requires some intelligent decisions to be made (such as when you’ve sold an inventory item that didn’t have variations at the time, but now has varying quantities). SalesBinder will now use better AI to update the correct quantities based on a number of factors (other items in the order, the date the item was split into variations, etc).

Many new features are also coming soon and we’ll be making new announcements for them in the coming weeks!

– The SalesBinder Team –

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The Dev Team

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