News & Updates
Spring Time Update
May 03, 2016
It’s time for another update on all things related to SalesBinder! Our development team has been hard at work on a lot of new and exciting features that are getting closer to being released. We’ll be making announcements for these new features over the next few months. In the meantime, there’s been a lot of small improvements released over the previous couple of months and we’d like to highlight some of them below:
Reporting Improvements:
We’ve added more in depth data into some of our existing reports and also added the ability to save them as CSV files for reports where this was missing but could be useful.
Shipping Prices and Costs:
We added new shipping features to your estimates and invoices so you can now add shipping fees (and costs) to your orders, while having it calculated after taxes and separate from any percentage based discounts. This also syncs nicely with QuickBooks Online (if you’re taking advantage of our great QBO integration).
Miscellaneous Changes:
- Added a new option to re-sync your data with your integrations (ie. QuickBooks Online)
- Updated our “Woo + SalesBinder” WooCommerce plugin to version 1.0.4 which includes the ability to resume syncing extremely large inventory lists
- Exporting invoices as a CSV will now exclude cancelled invoice data
- Performance improvements to QuickBooks syncing and improved support for international versions (Europe and Australia)
- Added support for many more currencies
- New and improved account sign-up process now supports signing up using a Google Account, LinkedIn Account, or even a Facebook Account
As always, we love getting feedback from our amazing user-base so we encourage you to continue to provide us with your valuable feedback and suggestions.
– The SalesBinder Team –