News & Updates
New: Shipment Tracking for Sold Goods
November 28, 2016
We’ve released another highly requested feature for SalesBinder, the ability to track shipments for your sold inventory items. You can now mark orders as fully shipped or even partially shipped with specific quantities. Here’s how it works:
Simply enable this new feature by going to “Settings” then click on “Shipping” in the left side menu. Once it’s enabled you can go to any saved invoice (or create a new one) and you’ll notice some new shipping related features.
You can simply mark the invoiced order as shipped in full, or you can use the “Enter partially shipped items” link to specify the quantities that you’re currently shipping. Once you’ve entered some shipping information for one or more invoices you’ll also notice a new column on the invoice list outlining the current progress of each specific order. In addition to this, you can also apply new filters to your invoice list (shipped in full, partially shipped, not shipped) which provides a quick and easy way to find orders that may need your attention.
Tracking your shipped orders has never been easier. We hope you enjoy this new feature and we’d love to hear what you think!