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Our Brand New
March 01, 2022
Welcome to the new website! We're really excited to have our new website published live, which includes significant upgrades and a ton of more useful content in our Knowledge Base as well as much better API documentation.
Deciding on how to build a new website for the year 2022 took a lot of time and research. After reading all about the latest and greatest new technologies, we landed on something quite interesting called a JAMStack website, which connects to a "headless CMS" and then generates a static version of the website using React – which we then host on CloudFlare's Edge network. It's a powerful setup and a mouthful to describe.
Here's what it means:
Our website is now hosted in over 250 data centers located near major cities all around the world, which gives us a 50ms response to 95% of the world’s Internet-connected population. To put things simply; it's not likely that you can find a faster loading website on the internet.
Posted by:
Brodie Kokoska