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New: Inventory Quantity Ledger
November 09, 2018
We’re excited to announce a powerful new tool for keeping track of your changing inventory quantities. We call it the Quantity Ledger and it goes well beyond being just a simple reporting tool. It’s available now and already tracking your changing inventory quantities. Here’s how it works:
Navigating To The Quantity Ledger
Simply view any inventory item you have in your inventory list, by clicking on the item name to view it. From there there’s a new drop down menu in the top toolbar called “Item Reports”. This includes the item’s Order History and the new Quantity Ledger. Note: Unique items do not have this feature since their quantities can’t fluctuate.
A Beautiful New Inventory Report Is Only The Beginning
Behind the scenes, the new Quantity Ledger tracks every single movement in inventory stock. Whether your inventory quantity changes because it’s been sold in an invoice, replenished in a PO, transferred to a different location, or even just had a manual quantity adjustment made, SalesBinder now tracks every possible way your inventory quantities change. Using this newly gathered data we’ve released a powerful new report which enables you to view every single action an item has had which resulted in it’s stock levels to change. Now that you can know what your inventory quantities were at any given point in time in history, we’ll be building new reports and enhancing existing ones as well.
Accountability & Quantity Reconciliation
With this new data you can now see which specific user affected an item’s quantity, as well as what the action was which resulted in that change. At a quick glance, you can follow along and visually count along to see the quantity levels go up and down over time. We track what the quantity was prior to it being updated, what the changing quantity value was, and the resulting quantity after that change. It’s an easy way to reconcile everything and verify that it all adds up correctly.
Filtering and Exporting
As with all our reports, this comes with powerful filtering options. You can filter by a specific date range, by specific action (there’s 10 of them), by Order Type (invoice or PO), as well as by specific Location. You can apply these filters and also export this data as a nicely formatted CSV spreadsheet file.
We’re really excited about the new possibilities this additional data will enable for even more useful reporting and forecasting. Expect to see many more reporting related updates in the near future!
– The SalesBinder Team –