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New Importing and Reporting Improvements

September 13, 2018

Our development team has been busy working on a lot of new features and improvements to SalesBinder. Here’s the latest on what we’ve released with many more new features coming very soon:

Importing now Supports Pricing Tiers & Multi-location Quantities

We’ve updated our inventory item import tool so it now supports importing pricing tiers (such as wholesale, retail, discounted, etc). We have also added support for importing multi-location quantities for each item in each of your locations (ie. LocationA has a quantity of 10, LocationB has a quantity of 5, etc). All you need to do is add this information as new columns in your CSV spreadsheet and then map those columns to the correct fields in SalesBinder the same way you would for the other fields.

Exporting Inventory: 10x Faster and Includes More Data

We have completely rewritten our inventory export tool so it runs 10x faster and can handle vastly larger data sets. In addition to these improvements, it also now includes more data in the exported csv files (such a neatly organized column for item variation values and custom fields).

Order History Report Improvements

We updated the Inventory Item >> Order History report. It now supports filtering by date-range, order type, location, and account. You can also search through this report by account name and order numbers. We’re tying your reporting preferences together as well so now when you filter by a specific criteria, if it can be applied to a similar report it will remember your preference (until you change or remove it).

Sold Items Report Improvements

We also updated the Sold Items report to include the same filtering and searching options as the new Order History Report (mentioned above). In addition to these improvements we now include metrics for Net Revenue, Net Cost, and Profit for each item.

We hope you’ll find these new features and improvements useful and we’d love to hear what you think!

– The SalesBinder Team –

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The Dev Team

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