API Documentation
Inventory ItemsList & Search Inventory Items
Method: /items.[format]
Note: The modifiedSince parameter is used for retrieving only the inventory item’s data that has been modified since a specific point in time. This is based on the value of the “modified” field and is useful for doing faster, more efficient syncing. The modifiedSince value must be provided in unix timestamp number format (unix epoch, i.e. 1470429617).
The pageLimit parameter will accept any numeric digit between 1 and 100 which defines how many results you get in each resultset (defaults to 20 per page).
Parameters: (optional)
Param Name: | Description: |
page | Which page to retrieve from paginated results (numeric) |
pageLimit | How many records per result set (numeric between 1 – 100) |
categoryId | Filter items by categoryId (36 char string) |
locationId | Filter items by locationId (36 char string) |
itemIdNumber | Get data for specific item by itemIdNumber (numeric) |
orderField | Sort result set by specific field |
orderDirection | Sort result set “asc” or “desc” |
modifiedSince | Return anything modified since timestamp (epoch timestamp) |
s | Search parameter |
field | Search a specific data field (name, sku, serial_number, item_number, barcode) |
exact | Only return exact matches in your search results (true or blank) |
compact | Reduces returned results’ object nested depth (true or blank) |