API Documentation

    Deleted LogList Deleted Records

    Method: /deleted_log.[format]

    This endpoint is particularly useful when syncing data into another system. This allows you to directly sync deleted record_id’s more efficiently by saving the 3rd party system from having to iterate through both inventory lists while comparing the data to see if anything is missing.

    Parameters: (optional)
    Param Name:Description:
    pageWhich page to retrieve from paginated results (numeric)
    pageLimitHow many records per result set (numeric between 1 – 200)
    contextIdDefines what type of document you’re retrieving
    deletedSinceReturn anything deleted since timestamp (epoch timestamp)

    SalesBinder records have context_id’s which define what type of record they are. You can pass the following values in the contextId parameter to only get deleted records of that context type:

    • Customer: 2
    • Prospect: 8
    • Supplier: 10
    • Item: 6
    • Invoice: 4
    • Estimate: 5
    • Purchase Order: 11
    HTTP Request Type: GET
    Sample Returned JSON Data
    2    "count": "2",
    3    "page": "1",
    4    "pages": "1",
    5    "deletedlog": [
    6        [
    7            {
    8                "id": 2855,
    9                "context_id": 6,
    10                "record_id": "56da277f-afac-4e44-a6bd-6c8e3f71d8bf",
    11                "created": "2017-03-08T00:34:24+00:00"
    12            },
    13            {
    14                "id": 2756,
    15                "context_id": 4,
    16                "record_id": "58bf505f-7eec-4399-8e23-05796882ca98",
    17                "created": "2017-03-08T00:30:02+00:00"
    18            }
    19        ]
    20    ]
    Sample Returned XML Data
    1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    3  <count>2</count>
    4  <page>1</page>
    5  <pages>1</pages>
    6  <deletedlog>
    7    <item>
    8      <id>2855</id>
    9      <context_id>6</context_id>
    10      <record_id>56da277f-afac-4e44-a6bd-6c8e3f71d8bf</record_id>
    11      <created>2017-03-08T00:34:24+00:00</created>
    12    </item>
    13    <item>
    14      <id>2756</id>
    15      <context_id>4</context_id>
    16      <record_id>58bf505f-7eec-4399-8e23-05796882ca98</record_id>
    17      <created>2017-03-08T00:30:02+00:00</created>
    18    </item>
    19  </deletedlog>

    Updated on February 7th, 2022

    Network Status:
    100% Global Availability