API Documentation

    AccountsList & Search Accounts

    Method: /customers.[format]
    Parameters: (optional)
    Param Name:Description:
    contextId (required)Defines what type of account you're retrieving (2, 8, 10)
    pageWhich page to retrieve from paginated results (numeric)
    pageLimitHow many records per result set (numeric between 1 – 200)
    emailAddressGet data for specific account by primary email address (string)
    accountNumberGet data for specific account by accountNumber (numeric)
    modifiedSinceReturn anything modified since timestamp (epoch timestamp)
    sSearch parameter
    fieldSearch a specific data field (name, customer_number, office_email, billing_country)
    exactOnly return exact matches in your search results (true or blank)
    compactReduces returned results’ object nested depth (true or blank)

    SalesBinder Accounts have 3 different “context” values to determine what type of account list you want to retrieve:

    Customers Context ID: 2, Prospects Context ID: 8, Suppliers Context ID: 10

    – although the method used is named “/customers.[format]”, this works for all 3 context types
    – all three contexts share the same fields and data types outlined below
    – including a context in your parameters is required (see examples below)

    Permissions Required:
    • View Customers and/or Prospects and/or Suppliers
    HTTP Request Type: GET
    Sample Returned JSON Data
    2    "count": "99",
    3    "page": "32",
    4    "pages": "33",
    5    "customers": [
    6        [
    7            {
    8                "name": "Widgets Emporium",
    9                "customer_number": 516,
    10                "office_email": "widgets@testing.com",
    11                "office_phone": "604-968-9588",
    12                "office_fax": "",
    13                "url": "www.widgets.com",
    14                "billing_address_1": "4567 Testing Avenue",
    15                "billing_address_2": "",
    16                "billing_city": "Montreal",
    17                "billing_region": "British Columbia",
    18                "billing_postal_code": "M5H 2G5",
    19                "billing_country": "",
    20                "shipping_address_1": "4567 Testing Avenue",
    21                "shipping_address_2": "",
    22                "shipping_city": "Montreal",
    23                "shipping_region": "British Columbia",
    24                "shipping_postal_code": "M5H 2G5",
    25                "shipping_country": "",
    26                "id": "549490bc-e910-41a4-b83f-03d8a2d10228",
    27                "created": "2014-12-19T20:55:24+00:00",
    28                "modified": "2016-11-11T00:13:12+00:00"
    29            },
    30            {
    31                "name": "Interior Decorators LLC",
    32                "customer_number": 507,
    33                "office_email": "design@interior-decor.com",
    34                "office_phone": "604-874-8887",
    35                "office_fax": "",
    36                "url": "www.interior-decor.com",
    37                "billing_address_1": "",
    38                "billing_address_2": "",
    39                "billing_city": "Las Vegas",
    40                "billing_region": "",
    41                "billing_postal_code": "",
    42                "billing_country": "",
    43                "shipping_address_1": "",
    44                "shipping_address_2": "",
    45                "shipping_city": "",
    46                "shipping_region": "",
    47                "shipping_postal_code": "",
    48                "shipping_country": "",
    49                "id": "549490bc-ed88-4dd0-be6f-03d8a2d10228",
    50                "created": "2014-12-19T20:55:24+00:00",
    51                "modified": "2016-11-11T00:13:59+00:00"
    52            },
    53            {
    54                "name": "ABCD Widgets Corp.",
    55                "customer_number": 501,
    56                "office_email": "janesmith@widgetscorp.com",
    57                "office_phone": "555-324-9987",
    58                "office_fax": "",
    59                "url": "",
    60                "billing_address_1": "#210 - 1080 Mainland Street",
    61                "billing_address_2": "",
    62                "billing_city": "Vancouver",
    63                "billing_region": "British Columbia",
    64                "billing_postal_code": "V6B 2T4",
    65                "billing_country": "Canada",
    66                "shipping_address_1": "#210 - 1080 Mainland Street",
    67                "shipping_address_2": "",
    68                "shipping_city": "Vancouver",
    69                "shipping_region": "British Columbia",
    70                "shipping_postal_code": "V6B 2T4",
    71                "shipping_country": "Canada",
    72                "id": "549490bc-eda0-4bf6-be59-03d8a2d10228",
    73                "created": "2014-12-19T20:55:24+00:00",
    74                "modified": "2016-11-11T00:14:53+00:00"
    75            }
    76        ]
    77    ]
    Sample Returned XML Data
    1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    3    <customer>
    4        <name>Widgets Emporium</name>
    5        <customer_number>516</customer_number>
    6        <office_email>widgets@testing.com</office_email>
    7        <office_phone>604-968-9588</office_phone>
    8        <office_fax/>
    9        <url>www.widgets.com</url>
    10        <billing_address_1>4567 Testing Avenue</billing_address_1>
    11        <billing_address_2/>
    12        <billing_city>Montreal</billing_city>
    13        <billing_region>British Columbia</billing_region>
    14        <billing_postal_code>M5H 2G5</billing_postal_code>
    15        <billing_country/>
    16        <shipping_address_1>4567 Testing Avenue</shipping_address_1>
    17        <shipping_address_2/>
    18        <shipping_city>Montreal</shipping_city>
    19        <shipping_region>British Columbia</shipping_region>
    20        <shipping_postal_code>M5H 2G5</shipping_postal_code>
    21        <shipping_country/>
    22        <id>549490bc-e910-41a4-b83f-03d8a2d10228</id>
    23        <created>12/19/14, 8:55 PM</created>
    24        <modified>11/11/16, 12:13 AM</modified>
    25    </customer>
    26    <customer>
    27        <name>Interior Decorators LLC</name>
    28        <customer_number>507</customer_number>
    29        <office_email>design@interior-decor.com</office_email>
    30        <office_phone>604-874-8887</office_phone>
    31        <office_fax/>
    32        <url>www.interior-decor.com</url>
    33        <billing_address_1/>
    34        <billing_address_2/>
    35        <billing_city>Las Vegas</billing_city>
    36        <billing_region/>
    37        <billing_postal_code/>
    38        <billing_country/>
    39        <shipping_address_1/>
    40        <shipping_address_2/>
    41        <shipping_city/>
    42        <shipping_region/>
    43        <shipping_postal_code/>
    44        <shipping_country/>
    45        <id>549490bc-ed88-4dd0-be6f-03d8a2d10228</id>
    46        <created>12/19/14, 8:55 PM</created>
    47        <modified>11/11/16, 12:13 AM</modified>
    48    </customer>
    49    <customer>
    50        <name>ABCD Widgets Corp.</name>
    51        <customer_number>501</customer_number>
    52        <office_email>janesmith@widgetscorp.com</office_email>
    53        <office_phone>555-324-9987</office_phone>
    54        <office_fax/>
    55        <url/>
    56        <billing_address_1>#210 - 1080 Mainland Street</billing_address_1>
    57        <billing_address_2/>
    58        <billing_city>Vancouver</billing_city>
    59        <billing_region>British Columbia</billing_region>
    60        <billing_postal_code>V6B 2T4</billing_postal_code>
    61        <billing_country>Canada</billing_country>
    62        <shipping_address_1>#210 - 1080 Mainland Street</shipping_address_1>
    63        <shipping_address_2/>
    64        <shipping_city>Vancouver</shipping_city>
    65        <shipping_region>British Columbia</shipping_region>
    66        <shipping_postal_code>V6B 2T4</shipping_postal_code>
    67        <shipping_country>Canada</shipping_country>
    68        <id>549490bc-eda0-4bf6-be59-03d8a2d10228</id>
    69        <created>12/19/14, 8:55 PM</created>
    70        <modified>11/11/16, 12:14 AM</modified>
    71    </customer>

    Updated on February 7th, 2022

    Network Status:
    100% Global Availability