Knowledge BaseGeneral

    Upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription

    Updated on February 5th, 2024

    If you’re ever wanting to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription with us, you can do it anytime and you can rest assured there’s no hidden fine print, forced commitments, or cancelation fees either.

    If you’re able to fit within a smaller subscription plan (including the free plan), you can downgrade your plan on your own by going to Settings --> Subscription --> Change Subscription. If you want to upgrade to a larger plan, you can always do this on your own to gain more record space and user accounts.

    Changing your plan happens immediately and your billing is automatically reflected. Changes in subscriptions plans are prorated, so your next invoice will include a partial credit if you downgrade, or a small extra charge if you upgraded mid billing cycle (to cover the unpaid upgraded time on your current billing cycle).

    If you downgrade to the Forever Free plan, that will cancel your subscription.

    If you’d like to close down your account entirely, just send us a quick email from an email address associated to your account and we’ll take care of it immediately on the same day. Your credit card information will be removed from our processor so you can rest assured there will not be any further charges going forward.

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